Cleanliness in metropolitan cities


          1.     Lack of civic sens-  Public apathy to civic rules and incivilized manner in which citizen dispose of waste is root of all problems.
2.     Resources poorly managed and poor monitoring despite huge manpower.
3.     Stinks on human excreta and garbage tacks.
4.     Plastic menace
5.     Air pollution
6.     Industrial effluents.
7.    Poor operation of elective crematorium.

How to manage?

a.     Stricter norms and heavier penalties for littering, spitting or urinating on railway stations, in trains and at other public places.
b.    More effective implementation of the clean-up marshal scheme, in which personnel employed by private firms could fine citizens for littering.
c.     Tackling the menace of hackers. 
d.    Installing more dustbins.

         Key functions of pollution controlling agencies.
1.     Keep a watch on bio-medical waste.
2.     Create mass awareness activities.
3.     Assess quality of ambient water and air.
4.     Inspect waste water treatment installation.

5.     Air pollution control equipment.
