General Studies

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1.                  How Arctic vortex develops? What are its impact on regional and global weather.
2.                  Why Russia is keen on developing Baikal Amur mainline? Explain how will it impact Russian economy
3.                  Define the concept of Capital? What is Natural Capital? Explain its Worth and the services it offers
4.                  How is that the Chinese efforts in water diversion and dam construction different from India. What are its likely implications for the world and India.
5.                  The Government of India has recently opened direct routes for aviation. Enumerate the Benefits of direct routes in air travel
6.                  North East has of late seen a spurt in hydel power development? What is the likely Impact of hydropower in India's North East region
7.                  What have been the new findings on the extinction of Indus Valley civilization? How are these findings different from the previous known causes of extinction.
8.                  Can Interlinking of rivers in India be a possible solution? Examine the statement in the light of the problems that it poses.
9.                  Should India export iron ore? Give arguments in favour and against of it.
10.              Significance of iron ore for India and controversies regarding exports
11.              Explain the role of Small city airports in spatial integration of Indian economy.
12.              How the concept and components of Smart Cities can help develop a sustainable urban future.
13.              What are Smart Grids and how do they function. What recent changes have taken place in the smart grid management for a decentralized power distribution.
14.              Explain the necessity and viability of Tunnel and Bridge Construction in Himalayas and their strategic significance.
15.              What do you understand by Ecological limits of development? Explain the concept in relation to sustainable development of India.
16.              What are the likely impacts of a Meteorite? What is the significance of meteoritic impact on Earth’s history
17.              What are the likely impacts of a Asteroids? What is the significance of meteoritic impact on Earth’s history
18.              The geomagnetic pole of the Earth has been changing from centre in Alaska to now in Siberia. What causes this Magnetic Reversal and what are its impact?
19.              The earth is witnessing the sixth mass extinction. Why mass extinctions take place? Explain the reasons of mass extinction with particular reference to the Holocene Mass Extinctions.
20.              Discuss the mechanism of Auroral display?
21.              Thunderstorm and Lightning are a common phenomena. Expalin the areas of occurrence and its causes in India.
22.              What are the impacts of Blizzards? How blizzards can be managed and and its damage minimized.
23.              What are the Water Governance Issues that India faces.
24.              Mineral Processing techniques in India are very obsolete. How these aspects have been incorporated as Components of a minning policy of india.
25.              Marine resources are related to the fact that the oceans are not limitless sinks of pollution. Give your arguments
26.              Highlight the major Changes that has taken place in plantation agriculture worldwide.
27.              Why industries are shifting to market based location worldwide, Why steel Industry is declining
28.              What is the Concept of Aviation hubs? What are the resons behind emergence of Dubai as an aviation hub?
29.              Discuss the reasons and behind Bahrain’s emergence as a trans shipment business hub.
30.              Why are the erecent changes taking place in Ice cap, Explain its aauses and the areas affected by it.
31.              Give an account of the water bodies and their changes worldwide, What changes Urban growth in India has brought about in its wake.
32.              Discuss different type of Floral changes and its grey areas. What are the areas that require immediate attention
33.              What are  Myristica Swamps. Analyse the issues associated with it.
34.              What is stubble burning in news? In the light of effects on air quality, analyse the alternatives that can prevent farmers from stubble burning.
35.              Why has been an increasing dependence on solar energy? What are the reasons that will make it the cheapest electricity?
36.              How can India repair its river and generate hydel power.
37.              Energy policy must find new life beyond fossils. Comment
38.              India has initiated building Inland port, One such port is Sanchore. What significance  Sanchore holds for Rajasthan.
39.              Analyse the case for development of Inland water transportation in India and the recent initiatives.
40.              Why India can be developed as an aviation hub. What will be the likely impact of the aviation hub on the economy.
41.              Paint a picture of Dependence of diesel, how difficult it is for India to wean itself away from such a dependence.
42.              Inview of the increasing air pollution, our options are getting narrower and narrower, Wahat are the different alternatives to Control Urban air pollution.
43.              Traffic rationing can only work when it is part of a comprehensive environmental plan, rather than as piecemeal effort.
44.              Among some of the problems Ganga is facing, the Decline of Ganga dolphins is one ecological problem. What causes this decline. Discuss
45.              Forest fires:
46.              Urban Issues: Give an account of Bottlenecks that hold affordable housing in India.
47.              Urban Issues As a part of Urban Sprawl, many gated communities have developed. What are these Gated Communities and why they should be preferred or not..
48.              Urban Issues What constitutes Slum economy. Wahat are its Components. How slums are not a problem. Examine the contributions of slum to the city scape.
49.              Urban Issues, Environment: What are floodplains and what are its ecological significance, Analyse how Construction in the floodplain can be damaging to it, and  How helpful are the regulations.
50.              Urban Issues, Environment Of late Urban floods has become more frequent. Explain the causes of Urban floods in relation to floods in Chennai.
51.              How South India's location has helped built ISRO's  centers. In this light examine the locational advantage of Sriharikota as  a satellite launching centre?

Disaster management

1.                  What are tropical Cyclones? Discuss the construction of cyclone shelters. How they can mitigate the effect of high winds.
2.                  What are Cloud Bursts and how are they caused?
3.                  Explains the mechanism of cloudburst in different parts of India and the area associated. What preventive and post burst means will you take for cloudburst.
4.                  What can be possible effects of high intensity rainfall in mountainous regions?
5.                  Discuss the mechanism devised in India to manage floods as disaster in the pre disaster phase as well as past disaster phase.
6.                  How are floods caused? Devise a solution and management means to mitigate floods in Rajasthan.
7.                  Identify tornado affected areas of India. What are the warming signs and what evacuation meausures are required.
8.                  Although thunderstorms are short and intense the damage they cause requires post damage management identify the areas that require it so.
9.                  Explain the causes of avalanches in the Himalyan region. Discuss the emergency measures.
10.              Why are avalanches and landslides common in Laddakh? How the government protects its means of transport and communication.
11.              Give a brief of avalanche prevention structures
12.              Describe several methods of mitigating the impact of avalanches
13.              What are the indicators of drought and what are the ways of drought proofing.
14.              What action points would you suggest for drought mitigation in agriculture, livestock and drinking water.
15.              Give a brief on post drought disaster and follow through that is required.
16.              What are the causes and effects of mine fires and how can it be prevented.
17.              Briefly describe urban fires and how does it start.
18.              Discuss the manmade and natural causes of Forest Fires in India.
19.              What can go wrong during festivals? How do we deal with them. Give a brief of pre festival forms.


1.                  Why is Baluchistan significant for Pakistan. What have been the signs and reasons for India’s changing policy towards Baluchistan.
2.                  If India follows a Baluch centered policy to counter its encirclement by China and Pakistan, it may have to encounter some problems and resistance. Identify and analyse these compulsions.
3.                  Kashmir problem is more of a communal violence, rather than act of terrorism. Elaborate.
4.                  Who are Uighurs, and what are their issues. How does their  issues and aspirations impact India.
5.                  USA supports India as a strategic ally, but not on all issues. What are the grey areas where US support to India can be a major geopolitical turn around.
6.                  Why is navy so important for India, more so even now? What are the new missions and challenges that it faces in the changing geopolitical scenario?


1.      European dominance: What factors accounted for the rather sudden rise of Europe to world dominance? How was this small region was able to transform immensely larger portions of the world and to maintain its commanding position for so long?
2.      Northern and Southern Europe are very different in their developmental levels. What factors contributed to the retarded development of Southern Europe?
3.      Identify and analyse the shared traits among African countries, the traits responsible for their retarded development, its economic social geographical personality, and its future.
4.      Perhaps no country in the world bears the imprint of Western Colonisation as much as Africa in present make up despite the facyt that it has been decolonized half a century back. Analyse what are these Imprints of decolonisation and why do they exist?
5.      The Dark ages in European history were not from Indian perspective. Why was it so and how these dark ages led to age of explorations and discoveries?
6.      The Collapse of Soviet Union coincided with the collapse of Communism as a concept. What factors were responsible for the collapse of communism in Soviet Union and why it still does not survive in many places in the world?


1.      The general perception of heritage in India is biased towards historical monuments, artifacts and scriptures. Analyze the reasons for such a perception and suggest a broad framework of scope of what heritage should constitute with reasons.
2.      Heritage erosion has been seen as the greatest problem that undermines the socio-environmental stability and sustainability of India. To what extent it is serious and what suggestions can be made for its management.
3.      Heritage tourism within India has not picked up on account of ‘heritage fatigue’. Comment
4.      Civilizations flourishes with settled existence, culture flourishes and becomes diverse with mobility. Examine
5.      Cultures change with time but remain static, they do not decline, it is civilisations that flourish or decay. Explain.
6.      Explain the concept of Culture and its components as reflective of Indian identity.
7.      What are gharanas and what has been their role. Analyse the reasons behind decline of gharanas.
8.      What is the greatest sign of decline of Indian languages? This is despite the fact that the readership is high, viewership is high and audience also large. What are the factors that have brought about such decline and what can be done to arrest such a decline.

9.      India’s choice should be more on becoming a soft power rather than a hard power. Analyse this statement in the light of relative advantages India enjoys in cultural, spiritual and knowledge spheres.
