Fame is vapour : K Siddhartha Sir tells how to write an essay in UPSC/IAS/Civil Services Examination

1. Meaning of character

  • Character is strength.
  • Character is humility.
  • Character is knowledge.
  • Character is wisdom.
  • Character is ability to bouncing back.
  • Character is sustainability.
  • Character is far sightedness.
  • Character is social capital.
  • Character is truthfulness.
  • Character is self esteem.

2. What character is not

  • Character is not arrogance.
  • Character is not ego.
  • Character is not pride.
  • Character is not cleverness its intelligence.
  • Character is not hobbesianism
  • Character is not

3. Meaning of fame

  • Meaning of popularity.
  • Meaning of respect.
  • Meaning of recognition.
  • Meaning of national exposure even for brief.
  • It can take the shape of something becoming viral on you tube.
Why fame is vapour?
Fame  can be obtained from varied sources. It can be 10 minutes on TV, one exposure on page 3. Being awarded. Next time, next day another character/identity will come up the public will forget.
How character can endure it
If a popularity threshold has been reached, character allows it to sustain because character does not make you arrogant, character helps take advantage of it, character makes you sustain it, because it helps you to learn from that, character helps you to draw conclusion out of it.

4. What is fortune?

A sudden spurt of wealth, money, acquisition of wealth either through accidental transfer or because of external circumstances, e.g. Compensation money, Lottery, favoured government policy
Why fortune, can be accident?
External circumstance can favour anyone, anytime, anywhere, coincidences can occur with anyone.
Examples – Coaching boy tops ‘toppers’, Emergence of a subject, Compensation for agricultural land, E commerce boom, Lottery
How character can endure it?
Inability to understand that fortune has been because of coincidences or external circumstances. Character will build on that fortune. A shop with an ability to survive will built on its credential despite an accident of fire. Character helps you undertand that, “everyone is a genius, but if you judge a fish with an ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that its stupid”
Character will help one to understand that hard work/honest work  is the only way to success and that circumstances and coincidences will not last long

4. What is meant by Riches?

Accumulated wealth over long period, capital accumulation brand, bank deposit, vast business network., material wealth,
Why riches have wings?
As is said in Hindi Laxmi is chanchal because anyone can become Mallaya. Because anyone can become Sahara. Anyone can become HMV, Amitabh Bachchan.
Why character can endure it?
Character allows to sustain the bad phase, loss of goodwill, honesty allows brand recreation, honesty of effort will bring faith of people back, transparency of action will create social capital and humane nature will strengthen bonding.

5. Why only character endures?

Because truthfulness is a brand
Maintaining transparency is a habit.
Being truthful is a trait
Being humble is a  Character trait that endures because it is attractive. It attracts infects all those people to think that everything can be attained.
Example – Amitabh Bachchan, Rana Pratap. Because with these qualities anyone can bounce back. Time can test them, time can delay their effort not prevent it.
