Despite having access to the best of technology, lifestyle, and opportunities, why are youngsters in India taking the suicide route?

Status of Suicide in India
More than 1,50,231 (Some Medical Health Reports) suicide cases are registered in India every year.
The suicide rate (the number of suicides per one lakh population) stands at around 11
Among the states, Sikkim reported the highest suicide rate at around 38.4followed by Telangana (26.5) and Kerala (23.9).
Of the total suicide cases registered in India, two thirds (i.e. 66 per cent) were in the age group of 18 to 45.
As per a recent World Health Organisation report, India has the highest estimated number of suicides-2,58,075-globally.
The highest suicide rate-35.5 per 1,00,000 population- is registered in the age group of 15 to 29.
Why such high Suicide Rates
  1. Academic pressure: It could be due to parental pressure to perform better, competition at school or self-imposed expectations.
  2. Peer pressure: Remarks made by peers about looks or status. Inability to fit-in.
  3. Substance abuse: Addiction to alcohol, tobacco or drugs, causing guilt.
  4. Family discord: Conflict between parents.
  5. Unfounded perceptions about their own relationship among and high expectations from each other
What are the Warning Signs
  1. Fleeting thoughts of ending life indicate that you are facing low distress. If such thoughts occur every week, it is medium distress, and frequent occurrence of such thoughts signals high distress.
  2. Talking about ending life during conversations.
  3. Untimely distribution of a prized possession that they own.
  4. If a quiet person suddenly becomes chirpy or a chirpy person becomes quiet.
  1. Reach out to the distressed person. Talk to him.
  2. Show love and acknowledge his feelings.
  3. Don't give advice, but patiently listen to him.
  4. Take him to a counselor.
  5. Remove all harmful objects like toxic chemicals from the person's house.
